Monday, January 16, 2023

CWF Trouble in Paradise 2116

Saturday, February 29, 2116
Paradise Palace
Paradise Island, Centra Prime

To catch up on the goings-on in the Centra Wrestling Federation, visit Hunter's CWF on the Official Filsinger Games Message Boards

Pyro showers the stage and the sounds of "Paradise City" blare out as Trisis welcomes us to the second annual Trouble in Paradise pay-per-view spectacular.  As Trisis billboards the card, the lights begin to flicker, then dim.  A haunting voice echoes through the arena...

"The restoration begins tonight.  My kingdom has been sullied.  My land... defiled.  Purity will be restored through baptism.  Blood shall serve as the sacred fluid of sacrifice.  Murdock has spoken.  Bring forth my Oppressor."

The lights rise and reveal an Antillian, more than 7 feet tall, easily 500 pounds, standing the ring, awaiting a challenger.

Singles Match
Rundar defeats Oppressor by disqualification in 1:41 when Oppressor chokeslams Rundar on the ringsteps

Rundar lies motionless and Oppressor stands just as still while medics and officials arrive at ringside.  The massive Antillian didn't respond or acknowledge anyone as officials tried to move him away and medics tend to Rundar.  Suddenly, Oppressor's head shifted, as if hearing a shout, and the giant silently strode away.

Trisis is outside the Commissioner's Office, standing by with Lance At-Las, and she asks about Murdock's actions.  "Murdock and his... servants applied and were granted wrestler licenses late last year.  They appeared to be normal applications and were approved.  That said, Murdock, I hope you are listening.  Dramatics mean nothing to me.  Keep your men in line... or I will."  The Commissioner looks back to Trisis, "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to check on Rundar.  I hope the rookie's alright."

Tag Team Match
The Boys defeat Cringe & Grovel when Samuel pins Grovel after a piledriver in 7:21 

Singles Match
General Aegis pins Avarice after the Final Salvo in 7:00

Singles Match
Lord Nexus defeats Mister Centra by disqualification in 1:13 when Total Anarchy, led by Oracle, attacks Nexus on the arena floor

Anarchy, armed with a chair, pummels Nexus as Oracle holds off officials with a long logging chain.  Anarchy's beating is merciless and leaves Nexus a bloodied mess.  So intense is the attack, even Mister Centra tries to step in, though he quickly backs off as soon as Anarchy makes a threatening gesture.  Eventually, the rest of Centauri, Nebula, and Saboteur, the last of which was armed with a large pair of bolt cutters, rush to ringside and Oracle calls of the attack.  Centauri and Nebula kneel by Nexus and check on him as Saboteur stands guard.

Chaos Supreme is seen taping his wrists as Trisis thanks Chaos for the time and asks about tonight's main event, "Your gratitude is as welcomed as it is warranted.  Vengeance carries the richest prize in the CWF.  But, Minister, you are a scared little man.  We both know this.  You rely on Colby's money, not your Aethran blood.  Having the target of the CWF Championship has made you paranoid and anxious.  I will relieve you of that trouble tonight."

Trisis further asked about Paganax and Murdock, both newly arrived major players.  "I look forward to facing Paganax.  It shall be a good test.  As for Murdock, I defy you.  Come for me."

Tag Team #1 Contender's Match
Command & Control defeats The Squad when Adam Blast pins Adam Traitor after Adam's Atomic Drop in 6:18

Heavyweight #1 Contender's Match
Mandrill pins Evolution after the Simian Skullcrusher in 2:59

Trisis stands by outside Vengeance's locker room, loud noises coming from inside, as Magnus Colby comes out.  Trisis asks about tonight's main event, "Shut up!  Chaos!  You insufferable dolt!  You have no idea what you've done.  Vengeance is not a mere warrior.  He's a general.  He's the MINISTER... OF... WAR!  What you see as dishonorable, he sees as tactics and that makes you a fool.  Chaos, tonight, you will bow to the better man."  Trisis tries to follow up concerning Paganax and Murdock as big players new to the CWF and Colby shuts her down, "One idiot at a time!"

CWF Tag Team Championship
Fraternity defeat CWF Tag Team Champions Truth & Consequences by disqualification in 11:01 when Tortured Soul chokes Nebula with a camera cord, ignoring the referee's warnings

The brawl is on instantly and here come referees, officials, security, you name it.  Everyone is trying to hold the combatants apart.  Finally, out comes Commissioner Lance At-Las, mic in hand, "I will fire the next person to throw a punch, so help me!  I'm tired of tonight!  Attack after attack after attack... this is a sport, dammit!  Not a warzone!  But if everybody wants to act like this is the wild west, then fine.  Next month is Wild West Rampage, and I assure you, everybody's getting one night to go to war.  Now, clear out!  We've got a main event to go... and hey!"  At-Las grabs a referee by the sleeve, "The CWF Title Match is now no DQ.  These people paid to see winners and losers and that's what they're gonna get."

No Disqualification for the CWF Heavyweight Championship
CWF Heavyweight Champion Vengeance (w/ Magnus Colby) submits Chaos Supreme with a torture grip in 17:29 to retain the title

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